Luca Antonacci, from the USA state of North Carolina ended his stay of 3 weeks in the SOCCER Stages program, where he arrived after a visit of the UE Cornellà facilities.
After his stay in SOCCER Stages, he told us that he had lived “an incredible experience” that allowed him to “train with players from all over the world” and helped him to improve his game “learning the methodologies of the Spanish soccer”.
Throughout these three weeks in SOCCER Stages, Adam, has combined soccer trainings with WOSPAC team as well as the UE Cornellà Cadet team that have enabled him to develop his football potential.
Likewise, it has also experienced the new service that has incorporated the SOCCER Stages program, WOSPAC Technification, who works the physical aspects of the players to improve their performance in the field.
He also had the opportunity, to enjoy the charms of the city of Barcelona, and he had visited some of the more emblematic places like the beach and above all what every soccer fan dreams, the stadium of FC Barcelona.
After his experience in WOSPAC, he told us that thanks to his work here under the direction of “very good coaches” and where workouts are of “a very high level”, has improved his soccer skills and his vision of game within the field. Also commented us that thanks to Spanish lessons that he has done, has learned ”a lot of Spanish being here”.
Thank you Luca for trusting in WOSPAC and we hope to see you very soon again with us.