Last Thursday, the 4th of November, WOSPAC received a group of 4 players and 3 coaches of the Chinese club Guo Hui Football invited by UE Cornella´s Chinese player, Gao Lei Lei.
The group arrived in Barcelona from China to get to know for themselves the experience that WOSPAC offers with its sport and educational development programme for players (WOSPAC Stages) and coaches (WOSPAC Coach) from all over the world.
The young players, between 10 and 12 years old, are very excited to participate in our 10 day programme. Shi Kehe, one of the youngest of the group commented: “We are very excited to get to know Barcelona and most of all to be able to train with a team like UE Cornella where Gao Lei plays. We are also excited to able to learn during WOSPAC´s morning technification.” As well as Shi; Mei Shuijun, Yu Wen Jun Qi y You Dong Xian will all live together alongside other WOSPAC players, sharing their experiences with boys from 10 different countries and cultures.
During their stay, they will not only complete their sport training with sessions run by WOSPAC, but also they will discover how UE Cornella`s is one of the greatest competitors that Spanish football has to offer and doing so by participating in training sessions will different teams within the green club.
However, training is not the only thing that they will be doing. The group will also assist in a La Liga game, they will experience up close the city of Barcelona and will be able to visit the fantastic stadium of FC Barcelona; The Camp Nou.
For the coaches Cui Feng, Zeng De Run and Li Jing, it is also a very good opportunity to get to know the Spanish football training system and to study firsthand the footballing methodology of the best clubs in Barcelona, combining training with UE Cornella and visiting FC Barcelona and RCD Espanyol´s youth teams.
“We are very grateful for the this opportunity that we have been offered with the trip to Barcelona and also to Gao Lei, who is a leader for sport in China, for inviting us to come to WOSPAC” Said Li Jing, one of the technical coaches of the small group. He also added “We want to make the most of the know-how at WOSPAC to continue learning and studying the best of Spanish football.”
From WOSPAC, we hope you enjoy your stay in Barcelona and we hope you come back soon to the Catalan capital to continue improving thanks to WOSPAC.